Life-saving medicines, vaccines, cryogenics and medical devices. Pharmaceutical manufacturers, wholesalers, specialty phamas or carriers.
We all bear a responsibility to ensure patients receive their medicines safely and on-time.
So why do the world’s most important products lack the transparency and intelligence of a DoorDash pizza delivery?
Let’s face it – managing passive data loggers is time consuming, labor intensive and prone to human error!
Constraints include:
Quantify risk by product and lane. Understand network shipping tradeoffs and scenario analysis instantaneously.
Auto-calculate product stability budget to digitize Accept / Reject decisions ensuring peace of mind that the patient is receiving a high quality product.
Communicate highly accurate (95%+) predicted time of arrivals (PTAs) to your inbound DCs and outbound customers days in advance.
Scorecard your real-time device providers, cold chain providers, carriers and 3PLs to understand their performance by lane, region and product.